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Hack-It 98

Frequently Asked Questions

ver. 2.0 - June, 12th, 1998

Hack-It 98 is over. But we want to leave te FAQ and the programme of the event to remeber what it was, waiting for a second edition.

Getting Started

What is Hack-IT 98?
How much?

Computers and other tools

Will we have an Internet connection?
Will we have a LAN?
Will I have computers to work on?
Can I bring my own computer?
What else will I need?
May I bring other electronic equipment?


Where to sleep
Where to eat
How to get there


Workshops and courses

Info & contacts

Getting started

What is Hack-IT 98?

Hack-IT 98 cannot be defined in one way only. It is an open-air festival, a meeting, a hacking party, a pause for reflection, an occasion of public learning, an act of rebellion and an exchange of ideas, experiences, dreams, utopias and love.
What characterizes Hack-IT 98 is our wish to live these three days in a completely self-organized way basing ourselves on our needs. Hack-IT 98 is a SELF-ORGANIZED event: there are neither organisers nor users, but only participants.


In Florence, Italy, in a squat named C.P.A. (Centro Popolare Autogestito, Popular Self-Organized Centre), Viale Giannotti 79, Florence. Tel and Fax ++ 39 55 6580151


On Friday 5th, Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th of June, 1998. If you wish and if you have time, you can join Hack-IT 98 several days before the starting date, in order to help organizing the event, installing the LAN and doing whatever might be useful.


How you wish! The C.P.A. offers a large area where you can pleasantly spend your days and nights during the meeting. There will be a self-organized camping site, so bring your tent and everything you might need.

How much?

Do you have to pay to participate to Hack-IT 98? Of course NOT. Hack-IT 98 is a non for profit event and nobody will make money out of it. In order to cover expenses we will organise a few concerts and other social events; to attend them a small donation will be requested. In the eventuality that the expenses should be too high, a small subscription fee will be requested to all participants.


A deposit service for equipment's of foreign people will be assured. Please, check infos at the organization office (the "Segreteria").

Computers and other tools

Will we have an Internet connection?

Yes. An ISDN line is activated and a provider offers the connectivity. Although during Hack-IT 98 people are not meant to work on computers or to navigate on the net, we believe it is important to be connected at all times.

Will we have a LAN?

Yes! The LAN will be based on TCP/IP, we'll then build an 'intranet' during Hack-It 98. It is highly preferable to use RJ45 connectors to connect to the LAN, although there will also be a possibility to use BNC connectors.

Will I have computers to work on?

It doesn't depend on us. We can guarantee connectivity and the LAN, but have no idea of how many computers will be available. Bring your own computer (laptop or not!), your ethernet adapter, your hubs and so on. The LAN will be in continual progress! So please read these FAQ as often as you can, as the information will be continually updated.

Can I bring my own computer?

Of course! It would be an excellent idea if everyone interested in using a computer during Hack-IT 98 brings his own. Sheltered tables and rooms will be available.

What else do I need?

If you want to connect your computer to the LAN and to the net, you will surely need a LAN Adapter. If you don't have one, you can buy one for about 30$ in any computer shop. If you want to connect your laptop or your non-IBM computer, you will have to spend a little more.

May I bring other electronic equipment?

Of course! You can bring whatever you want: radios, pagers, radioscanners, toasters etc. etc. The more you bring with you, the more Hack-IT 98 will be fun :-)


Where to sleep

If you want to live the true atmosphere of Hack-IT 98, the C.P.A. offers a large area where you can place your tent or sleeping bag. A tent is not necessary but useful, both for your comfort and your privacy during the event. Unfortunately we are in a metropolitan area, so do not expect lawns and greenery. We will have to sleep on the hard concrete! An inflatable mattress will allow you to go back home without a stiff neck! If all this is just too much, you can book a hotel, but it will cost you a lot more... You may find a lot of hotels in Florence.

Where to eat

The C.P.A. is known for its good Italian cooking and good-looking cooks! You can eat well at the C.P.A. without spending a fortune. Special attention will be given to Vegetarians and Vegans. If you don't want to eat at the C.P.A., there are many restaurants, pizzerias, supermarkets and shops of every kind in the neighbourhood.


WCs and showers will be installed for the event.

How to get there

Florence is - we think - a well-known place. The best way to reach it is by train, plane, bus or car (but not by boat!). Please, check the map of Florence where CPA is located. You can reach the CPA:
(1) By Train:
At the Santa Maria Novella Station take one of the following buses: 23, 31 or 32. Ask the driver to let you down at the second bus stop of Viale Giannotti. The CPA is in front of the IP gas station
(2) By Car:
On the highway, take the "Firenze Sud" exit. Follow indications for "Viale Europa". Go straight on for Viale Europa until the name changes in "Viale Giannotti". You will find the CPA at number 79.

(3) By Plane:
From the airport, take the bus to the train Station of Santa Maria Novella. Then, follow the indications of point (1).


During Hack-It 98 an organization office will work.


Workshops and courses

The backbone of Hack-IT 98 will be a series of self-organised workshops. Everybody can propose and carry out his own workshop. All we ask is that you inform us as soon as you can what your ideas and proposals are. A reminder: most of Hack-IT 98 will be in Italian…

Two courses will introduce people not too skilled with computers in the correct environment of Hack-It 98

Courses in basic network technology
For people with low skills in computer usage. The course will teach how to use the basic services offered by the most popular networks.

Cryptography and anonimity on the networks
For people with an average knowledge of network technology. The course wishes to show how to defend your privacy by using several techniques (cryptography, steganography, PGP, anonymous remailers etc).

You can see a map of CPA.

Friday, June 5th

Timetable Where Workshop  
9.00 - 11.00 Sala Navigazione Linux 4 Beginners Net Diver
10.30 - 13.00 Cupola Hacker Art - part I Tommaso Tozzi
14.00 - 16.00 Teatro Ipertexts. How to think and how to create on the Net. The role of the author and the role of the reader. Graffio
14.00 - 15.00 Cupola Knowledge within the Net Ferry Byte
15.00 - 17.00 Cupola Hacker Art - part II Tommaso Tozzi
16.00 - 18.00 Teatro History of information technology - part I Renato Pii
16.00 - 18.00 Longinottik Course: Basic Network technology - part I Evaluna, S. Sansa,
T.H.E Walrus, W. Maddler
18.00 - 21.00 Longinottik Debate on the new book "Kriptonite. Escape from global control" and course "Criptography and anonimity on the network" Joe Lametta & the authors
18.30 - 21.00 Cupola Hacker Art - part III Tommaso Tozzi
18.30 - 21.00 Teatro Non for Profit server and the communicative experience of a social center in Spain Nodo50.org, CSOA El Laboratorio e Area telematica (Madrid)
21.00 - 24.00 Teatro Debate on the CD-ROM "Digital Zones" and on "Self-organising networks in Italy and Europe. Which are the polical and social uses of the network?" Isole nella rete and
Tactical media Crew, Nodo50.org, Xs4all


Saturday, June 6th

Timetable Where Workshop  
9.00 - 11.00 Sala Navigazione Linux 4 Beginners Net Diver
11.00 - 13.00 Cupola Router CISCO to diagnose and cure some network troubles uVLSI
11.00 - 13.00 Longinottik Course: Basic Network technology - part II Evaluna, S. Sansa,
T.H.E Walrus, W. Maddler
14.00 - 16.00 Longinottik Course: Criptography and anonimity.
T.H.E. Walrus
14.00 - 16.00 Sala Navigazione IP version 6. The new generation of Internet protocols Fausto Saporito e Kyuzz
16.00 - 18.00 Sala Navigazione VRML and Java E. Pecis e VRMLdreamers
16.00 - 18.00 Cupola Privacy and the future of money Raf Valvola and Doctor Kabel (Decoder/Shake)
18.00 - 20.00 Longinottik Course: Criptography and anonimity.
Anonymous Remailer
T.H.E. Walrus
18.00 - 21.00 Teatro Video: Richard Stallman and debate on the GNU project Linuxisti presenti
21.00 - 24.00 Longinottik Provider's legal responsibility and censorship H. Velena e Luther Blissett Project


Sunday, June 7th

Timetable Where Workshop  
9.00 - 11.00 Sala Navigazione Linux 4 Beginners Net Diver
10.30 - 12.30 Longinottik Course: Criptography and anonimity.
Nym Server e File System Crittati
Putro, Luc Pac and Marta Mckenzie
10.00 - 12.00 Teatro Course: Basic Network technology - part III Evaluna, S. Sansa,
T.H.E Walrus, W. Maddler
12.30 - 14.3 0 Longinottik Course: Criptography and anonimity.
Frank Sinapsi
12.00 - 14.30 Teatro Low tech networks: the BBSs environments Leandro Noferini and Alex Duprč
14.30 to the end Teatro Final meeting  
17.00 - 18.30 Longinottik Course: Criptography and anonimity.
PGP Phone
Zeus Kissakie'
17.00 - 18.30 Cupola A new challenge for the Ethics of Computing in the Ideas MarketPlace of the "new" Economics of Information Arturo di Corinto
18.30 - 20.00 Longinottik Course: Criptography and anonimity.
Packet radio e wireless digital transmissions
And Bov
19.00 - 21.00 Cupola History of information technology - part II Renato Pii


Radio Cybernet
The voice of Hack-It 98! Radio Cybernet (
http://www.kyuzz.org/radiocybernet) will be the voice of Hack-It 98. You will listen to Radio Cybernet in Real Audio and *on the air* on a pirate frequency!
All meeting on, Cubo

IRC no stop e Videoconferencing
Tommaso Tozzi
An IRC server, a channel and several appointments during the hackmeeting, will allow to start a conversation with people, situations, associations etc from all over the world.
Event still in progress.

Boicoop TV!
Alternative use of cables. TV programming, music and information live from on the air! A TV you've never seen and a radio you've never heard.
All meeting on, Cubo

Where to sell and to buy self-produced equipments.
All meeting on, Entrance of the Astronave

Video no-stop
During the all meeting in the Cubo

Created by Nux Vomica. A digital video that condenses the creative experience of the last millennium.
All meeting on, Cubo

No-profit server in Spain
Alberto Escudero
From Nodo50, Spanish no-profit server (
mirror / Spanish site of Hack-It 98).
A debate about the experience of a non-profit Server Provider in the jungle-net...
Event still in progress.

Digital activities in Amsterdam
a cura di
Patrice Riemens
Debate with our sisters and brothers from xs4all (from Nederlands).
Event still in progress.

Doctor Kabel is IN
During all Sunday, at the Decoder info-shop, Doctor Kabel will perform a DIGITAL-LEGAL HELP. You can submit any question about legal and technical stuff.
Any consultancy will cost 10 cents.
Come to expone your technical-legal troubles to Doctor Kabel! He will find an answer to avoid the difficolta' difficulties of a lega code written for the employers.


Thursday, June 4th

Inauguration of Hack-It 98
Opening buffet and party


Friday, June 5th

Joe Lametta will meet his affectionated readers of "Kriptonite. Escape form the global control: cryptography, anonimity and privacy on the network".
h 9 pm, Longinottik

Digitals Zones
You can taste the self-produced CD-ROM of Isole nella Rete. It is a digital anthology of texts, images, video and sounds from social centres, groups and association of the intalian (and not only) under and overground.
h 9 pm- 12 pm, Teatro

PGP Key Signing Party
The party allows to certificate the corrispondence between a public PGP key and her/his owner.
This is a clou event, that will explode during the meeting.Please, send your PGP public key at
zeus@ecn.org BEFORE the meeting (until june, 4th, at 12pm).
Master of keys:
Zeus Kissakie'

A trip to the border of sound and performance.
Ichiraku Yoshimitsu (drums, electronics)
Sachiko Matsubara (sampler)
Otomo Yoschide (drums, guitar)
h 10 pm, Astronave


Saturday, June 6th

Multimedia Interactive
MISTER REGULAR (Massimo Contrasto)
SENSUALZONE 2.0 (gegge7@usa.net)
Cubo, all day long

Richard Stallman
Video form DECODER about the Italian tour of Richard Stallman, founder of the Free Software Foundation and of the GNU project.
h 6 pm - 9 pm, Teatro

Virus hunters
Perfomance with multimedia software
Fabio Massi, Alessandra Valente, Felix Zingarelli, Graffio
h 9 pm, Astronave


from 12.00pm on, Astronave

DURA MATER a.k.a. Kykeon(CH)
RAK 3 - Radio Blackout (To)

Live: Cerealkiller - E.F.L.(CH-I)

Piazzale Longinottik:
W.J. Meatball
Matt Pogo
Dr. Taffi

Coreography: Diapocollective - OG:ino Knauss - Burp - Polpo Tribe - Aisthanomai - AAUT - Soul Limbo


Sunday, June 7th

Associazione Astronauti Autonomi
We will meet the 'Associazione Astronauti Autonomi' (Autonomous Astronauts Associated, supported by Riccardo Balli and Massimo Contrasto). Reading-concert-performance: the final programme will be posted asap. Some members of the Association from UK, F, A may take part to the meeting... You will also find free papers and information about Associazione Astronauti Autonomi.
h 9 pm, Astronave

Synt Night
One hundred or one thousand synt amplified, and one hundred or one thousand "human interfaces" will try to build an ensamble of thirty minutes of contemporary music, different from the "classical contemporary music". Everyone with an electronic keybord is invited. Bring your own mixer and cables!
There will be a meeting for all participants at Astronave (4.30 pm).
XXLUVSX. Ahmed Elman. Antonio Ligurgo. Rush. Bym. Tommaso Tozzi (MS20). Marco Cesare. Burp. Mkt. Massimo Contrasto (MS20). Riccardo Balli. Steve Rozzi. Pussy Motorino. F. Bucalossi. G. Verde. Aut. Steak. Skuamo......
h 9.30 pm, Astronave

Info & contacts

You can join the mailing list hackmeetin@kyuzz.org. Send an e-mail at majordomo@kyuzz.org writing in the body message <subscribe hackmeeting>.

News on Hack-IT 98 and these FAQ are at the URL: http://www.ecn.org/hackit98 .

These FAQ are periodically updated and posted in several mailing lists and newsgroups.

If you wish to participate to Hack-IT 98 or if you want propose a workshop or if you want to give a helping hand in organising, join the mailing list hackmeeting@kyuzz.org or send a message to hackit98@ecn.org

For any further information, send a message to hackit98@ecn.org
